22 Abr Chapter One
Hi there! So, I guess we’re going to be buddies for a while: I have a tough mission ahead, and I need a place where to vent my ideas, rants, painstakingly excruciating details and the description of all the work that is being put into my TFM.
How? Don’t you know what I’m talking about?
I guess we should start from the top, then. Let’s see…
Students nowadays have a serious, scientific, measurable difficulty expressing themselves orally in any environment, not only at their school. Oral expression, verbal and nonverbal skills, are used by Secondary students thoroughly and are a solid foundation towards their future personal and professional development.
But these skills aren’t honed quite as usually as they should. Writing, comprehension and listening usually have a larger role in the students’ work throughout the Secondary Education, and only a residual role is assigned to speaking and being able to communicate.
We’re going to change that.
The journey will be long, exhausting and very tricky, but it will be worth it. Want to join in?
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