
Station 5: Apocalypse Now

The work in Station 5 involved discussing an apocalyptic scenario where Humanity was wiped out and only a select group of people would survive by recluding themselves in a deserted island in the Pacific. The original group of chosen ones was made up of twelve...

TFM aka. Time Failure Mode

Time constraints are awful. See, my job schedule spans the whole week: journalism daily, radio broadcasting, TV appearances occasionally, a weekly rant to be published each Thursday… and football and basketball games being broadcasted live each Saturday and Sunday. Add the Master’s lengthy classes, five hours...

The technical (dirty) details: less is more

Time to start digging up those fantastic voice samples performed by the students of Practical English in the Juan de Garay highschool. It has been actually quite engrossing hearing them thoroughly and finding out how many subtle (and not so subtle) changes took place between...

Station 4: Africa as a starting point

The tasks performed at the subject (‘Didactic Resources for the Teaching of Language and Literature’) require a detailed description and assessment of the Stations being covered, which we’ll divide in three chapters. In the current one, our group (made up of Arantxa Estruch, Maryna Onyschenko, Jordi...

Chapter One

Hi there! So, I guess we're going to be buddies for a while: I have a tough mission ahead, and I need a place where to vent my ideas, rants, painstakingly excruciating details and the description of all the work that is being put into...