
Cinco trucos para aprender inglés (sin darte cuenta)

A lo largo de la historia, numerosas metodologías docentes han perseguido hasta la saciedad un objetivo que, sobre el papel, podría parecer una quimera: el aprendizaje, fijación y uso práctico de segundas lenguas (es decir, diferentes a la lengua materna) sin necesidad de un esfuerzo...

Time to go underground…

To keep it short: May has been a hectic month. Hectic. Sitting down and typing has become somewhat of a miracle after so mucho work in the radio with this year's final La Liga stretch and the beginning of the playoffs in the ACB basketball...

About Edmodo

"You should take a look at this network, Edmodo. It's Facebook, but dedicated exclusively to educational purposes" Say what!? Indeed, Edmodo has become quite an interesting tool in the last couple of years. It was created in 2008 with Facebook as a template on which it would...

Game on!!!

I’m quite biased when discussing this issue: games in the classroom may be the BEST, o one of the most useful techniques to engage and motivate students, especially when tacking particularly tricky contents. I loved when my teachers used ‘classics’ such as The Hangman or...

Station 6: Words hurt, education soothes

Bullying is, undeniably, one of the worst problems a teacher may encounter during school hours. It’s a disgrace, a shameful affaire that should be tacked by students, parents and teachers alike, promoting zero tolerance towards the bully and total support towards the victims of these...

Avengers: Age of Cheat-Day

Remember how ‘cheat-days’ are used scarcely when trying to stay fit or lose some pounds? Well, researching and writing down stuff towards the Master’s Final Project has a similar ring to it, therefore ‘cheat-days’ need to be enjoyed in order to keep a good pace...